Medical Insurance
Medical Insurance is an insurance policy against loss by illness or bodily injury. Medical Insurance provides coverage for visits to the doctor or emergency room, hospital stays and other medical expenses.
All Non EEA Students are required to have private medical insurance when coming to and residing in Ireland for the purpose of study. Student can get insurance either in Ireland or in their own country. It is important to make sure that the policy purchased will be acceptable to the Department of Immigration in Ireland. Students can purchase Insurance directly from the school at the cost of €100 for one year.
Citas College will then organise medical insurance which is acceptable to the Department of Immigration. Our current policy provider is O’Driscoll O’Neil – the most respected student medical insurance provider in Ireland.
Students from EU countries should bring a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from their country in order to avail of the same services as Irish people under the public health scheme.
CITAS College can organize accommodation for arriving students.
Students can stay for any duration they wish. Some students choose to stay for a short period until they find their own accommodation.
When you arrive at CITAS College , you will also find notices displayed around the College providing information about properties to rent. The ‘Evening Herald' newspaper and also have information on accommodation available to rent.
You can also display your own notice on The Student Notice Board if you would like to find other students to share accommodation with. The student care team would also be happy to help in this regard.
Types of accommodation:
Host Family
Student Accommodation
Airport Transfer
At a student’s request, Citas College will be happy to arrange an airport pick-up service. To avail of this service the student is advised to contact the Student Welfare Office directly giving details of their flight number and estimated time of arrival at Dublin airport at least three days prior to their arrival.
Student Leap Card
The Student Travel card is a secure Photo ID that entitles students to discounted Dublin Bus tickets. The Student Travel card is also a national discount card, again entitling the holder to many discounted goods and services. We provide assistance to students to get a Travel card so as to avail of bus, light rail, and train tickets at discounted rates.
For more information about discounts available in Dublin please follow the following link:
See more on Student Leap Card