Polices & Procedures
Cancellations & Refund Policy
(same as in Terms and Conditions)
All requests for cancellations and terminations must be made in writing to Megi Celaj, Center Manager Citas College Dublin. Where applicable, refunds will only be made to the person or organisation who initially made the payment. Refunds will be processed within one month of acknowledgement of cancellation. The original proof of payment of course fee must be provided along with the application for a refund.
Conditions of Refund
-Course refunds will only be granted where a course is cancelled prior to the course commencement date. In the event of a course cancellation, an administration fee of €250 will be charged. Full fees (less the administration fee) can only be granted for bookings cancelled up to 2 weeks prior to course commencement. For cancellations occurring 1 to 7 days before course commencement, 50% of the full amount can be refunded. A cancellation fee of €250 also applies.
-If a cancellation occurs because of a visa refusal, a fee of €250 will be charged. In the case of a visa refusal, the official letter of refusal is required.
-In the case of illness, students may ask for their course to be postponed to a later date. In this case the college will require a medical certificate.
-A course cannot be refunded, carried over to the next calendar year or transferred to another student when the visa is already conceded.
No refund will be made
-For any cancellation once the course has commenced. This includes late arrival, early departure, or days missed during the course.
-For students who fail to complete a programme.
-If a student has changed his/her mind to study, or has used false information or engaged in fraudulent activity during the visa application.
Accommodation refunds
All accommodation cancellations after arrival are non-refundable. This also applies is a student has reduced her/his stay. No-shows, failures to arrive or postponement will be charged in full from booking date.
Attendance Policy
It is a GNIB requirement that students on International Student visas must maintain an attendance rate of above 85%. Students who fall below 85% attendance will be contacted and procedures followed in accordance with Irish Immigration regulation. Where a student has 25% or more uncertified absence in the first six weeks of their programme, this must also be communicated to the GNIB and INIS. Where a student cannot make up attendance to a minimum of 85% before the programme ends, the student will be informed that they do not meet the attendance requirements and that this fact will be communicated to the GNIB and INIS. If a student misses a total of 32 days (25%) of their course, they will be expelled from their course. Please see the Student Handbook for more details of this policy.
Punctuality Policy
Please note that punctuality is a GNIB requirement. According to GNIB/ INIS regulation, students arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving more than 15 minutes will be marked absent for the class / class segments. It is the policy of Citas College that any student who is more than 10 minutes may not enter the class so as to avoid disruption to the other learners. The student must wait for that 90-minute class to finish and may join the second 90-minute class. If a student leaves 15 minutes before class ends, they will have their attendance scratched out for that class.
Holiday Policy
On enrollment, Citas College gives each student a written timetable clearly identifying the daily and weekly tuition times, with defined course commencement and course completion dates. Holiday periods must be agreed at this time. The individual programme schedule (including holiday periods) must be presented by the student for inspection to the Immigration Officer during the student’s registration at the GNIB. The programme timetable must be set out in such a way that holiday periods cannot at any point exceed 1/3 of the total weeks elapsed (front-loading of holidays is not permitted). In order to take on week of holidays, a student must have completed three weeks of classes. In order to take the maximum one month of holidays, a student must have completed three months of classes. Please note that Non-EEU students on International Student visas are entitled to work full-time (40 hours per week) only during the months of June, July, August and September also from 15 December to 15 January inclusive. At all other times they are limited to working 20 hours per week. Students may request holidays to avail of the opportunity to work full-time during these periods provided that they make the holiday request on course commencement; that the holiday periods do not exceed 1/3 of the total weeks elapsed and that they can complete their course within the defined 7-month period.
In the event of regular poor attendance without justification, disciplinary action leading to expulsion will be taken by Citas College as outlined in the Attendance Policy.
Inappropriate Behavior
Students and staff are expected to behave in a courteously and respectfully manner at all times.
In extreme cases of inappropriate behaviour on the part of a student, the college reserves the right to expel him/her with no refund. Students are required to communicate any problems/issues they may be having in class, around the school or with Administration in a courteously and respectfully manner.
The use of foul or abusive language will not be tolerated. Inappropriate Behaviour in Class Students are expected to respect both their teachers and their fellow classmates during their classes at all times. Any student found being disrespectful during class may be asked to leave the class and if so, would lose their attendance for that day. All episodes of this nature will be reported to the Director of Studies. Before a student is expelled for inappropriate behaviour he/she will receive both a verbal warning and a written warning.
Sick Leave
Students who are unable to attend class due to illness or for any other reason must contact the college. In the case of illness, students are required to inform the school.
If you are absent from class due to sickness you can self-certify ( You Don’t have to go to the doctor) for the first 2 days of your absence. In this case only please can you fill in and submit the form at the link shown below. You must do this every day you are sick. This form can also be found on our Website under the menu called ‘Students’. You will be able to be excused for a total of 6 days due to short term illness over the 25 weeks of your course. If you have a long term illness, or need to go to a GNIB appointment then please come into see us or email us at info@citas.ie to organise being excused from your lessons. We will only accept the sickness forms up to 12pm on the day of your sickness. Please remember you must do this every day for the first 2 days you are off.
Here is the link: Absence Form